Thursday, August 02, 2007

In case anyone else lives in Balbriggan...

I finally rang the councils water department and asked about the water being switched off at night,they got the local depot to ring me (all within 5 minutes may I add) and this is the current status -

Water is switched off at midnight every night and back on a 6am this is to facilitate the kilsoc reservoir refilling.(I have never heard of it and to the best of my previous knowledge our water came from a reservoir at the bog of the ring,possibley same place?)

They do not know when it is going to go on until but if they did not do it the situation would be worse.


water and happiness

For anyone that knows me you will know one of the things that frustrates me and infuriates me more then most other things is the water supply to my house and my shower of no waterness.
The water pressure situation has improved but Fingal do appear to be switching off the water at night.
Anyway,I finally got a plumber in to take a look and it is not a huge major issue just a colleciton of smaller ones \o/
A pumped electric shower is going to fix the shower issue,cleaning the pipes etc should fix the problem of the tank not refilling and apparently the bit needed to fix the toilets is about 50c, oh how I love the builders and their short cuts.

I may have to have a bbq to celebrate!