Friday, July 29, 2005

Yaay Long Weekend

yaaay Long weekend and 15:30 finish:)

The rain hasn't stopped and once again my welly looking docs are perfect for the situation and I can bounce in puddles:)

yaaay puddles

Happy long weekend:)

Thursday, July 28, 2005


Apparently a months rain is going to fall over the next 24 hours,now considering it rains the majority of the time ,I think we are gonig to have a very flooded city by the end of the day:(

Ah well at elast I live near enough to work to be able to get home this time,hopefully:)

Still trying to decide what I wanna do when I grow up and waiting to hear if I have been accepted to the college course I applied to for September,what I wanna do and what I end up doing will be 2 totally different things and hopefully I manage to get thru college and get a nice degree but I have my doubhts:(

Finally everyhting is sorted with the house and hopefully I can move in mid August yaaaayyyyy at last one less thing to worry about:))

Pc world are evil and their assistant manager there on Thursday night was the rudest most unhelpfuil person on this planet so I am still laptopless:((( but hopefully come the weekend I can have a nice enw shiny one and finally have interweb at home again :)

Hmmm I wonder why people have blogs and what is the purpose of them?

In other news I know now where the google quotes of the day come from -

And I wasn't even looking:)

A Blog!

Yayy I gotta blog like all the cool kids now;)